how uses of aloevera plant in life


They are many types of  syllables in aloevera plant. It is alos used as medicine, cosmetics and food items. It is called by many  names and can be easitly growth at home, which absorbs moisture in the air and grows in the summer without water.


If you apply  the gel to the itchy area of the body, it will cause itching. If it is heated and applied to places with joint pain and pelivc pain, the pain decreases . It is used for tooth decay, after boiling its root in idli pot in pieces, the fertility  strength increases.


      If the jell in the middle of the aloevera is applied  to the baby after birth in stomach, the scar will disappear. 
if the skin on the aerated lobe is  applied to  it with turmericpowder and applied  to the darkspot of the body. the blackness will be removed. if you apply this gel with coconut oil and apply it on your hair, you will clear dandruff. Soap is made of its gel , its prevents acne .

      if you wash the gel in the middle off the aloe vera in water seven times and mix it curd, it will also be leukorrhea in women. In the middle of the aloe vera, the flesh can be cut into the pieces eight time and eaten with cumin and chillies seasoning.


                                                Taking too much of it can cause some side efffects. lactating mothers, pregant women and liver allergy people should not taken the aloe vera any form.


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